BAHS is a volunteer organization. Our main opportunities are:
Show volunteering
See the Calendar for dates and locations of shows. You do not need an animal to show to help out. You do need to be a member in good standing for liability reasons.
Club Volunteering
See the Contacts page for open board positions. We are always happy to welcome members-at-large. If you have a specific project in mind, contact a board member.
Newsletter Editor
We are currently looking for a newsletter editor. What you need to know:
This is a volunteer position.
You must be or become a member of BAHS as this is an appointed board position.
You must have writing and editing skills, and provide samples (created without AI assistance).
You need to be comfortable working with Google Docs and Google Drive. Our newsletter is created using Google Docs and distributed as a PDF. However, if you want to do this differently, we are totally fine with that as well.
We publish up to 11 newsletters a year, but that's not a fixed schedule, and we can work out a schedule that works for you.
Look at past newsletters to get a sense of what we do. We are open to change and improvements.
We care deeply about copyright, and you must make sure all reused materials are available for use and attributed properly.
Our past newsletter editor is happy to inform, train, contribute, and even collaborate.
Contact behindbaars@gmail.com
Presenting or organizing a presentation for a General Meeting
If you have suggestions or contacts for presenters, or would like to present, please, contact behindbaars@gmail.com with information and a description. BAHS does provide a stipend for speakers.
Organizing outings, field trips, hikes...
If you are interested in organizing an event, make up a plan and contact behindbaars@gmail.com to coordinate with the board and get it announced in the newsletter and at the general meeting. We can also help with organizing financials for a club-supported event.