Membership benefits include:
You support education through shows, talks, and speakers at our general meetings.
You can participate in shows. Showing animals or volunteering requires current membership.
You can vote on club projects and affairs.
Online Payment via PayPal
Click Buy Now to purchase BAHS Membership. Membership includes an Individual or a Family (parent(s) + (minor) children) or institution.
Click Donate to make a donation separate from or in addition to paying for membership.
If you prefer to send a check, please fill this form and drop it in the mail along with your payment.
Name (would be helpful):
Email (required):
Membership (individual / family / institution)
__1 Year ($25)
__2 Years ($50)
Donation: _______
BAHS Membership Secretary (BAARS)
care of Palo Alto Jr. Museum & Zoo
1451 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, CA 94301